Grove Comments on Passage of HB 611
HARRISBURG – The following statement is issued on behalf of House Republican Appropriation Chairman Seth Grove (R-York) on the passage of HB 611 on July 5, 2023.

“This legislative session started with a lie from Representative Mark Rozzi promising to serve as a non-partisan Speaker; it now continues with a lie from Governor Shapiro. Governor Shapiro should sign HB 611 with the inclusion of Lifeline Scholarships, as he promised to do last week. Failure to do so will result in a complete lack of trust between House and Senate Republicans and the House Democrats and the Governor.

“If the Governor does line-item veto Lifeline Scholarships, he should follow through and line-item veto all budget line items that do not already have enabling legislation.

“House Democrats may pat themselves on the back for stopping $100 million in funding for children stuck in failing school districts. House Democrats may laud themselves for passing a budget that spends 6% over the prior year’s budget, but make no mistake, this is not a complete 2023-24 budget. Completing this task with such deceptive tactics in State Government will be extremely difficult. Make no mistake, House Republicans will continue fighting for fiscal sanity and children trapped in failing schools.

Full Floor Remarks available here.

Representative Seth Grove
196th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Charlie O’Neill
717.260.6121 /