Feb. 19, 2025
Colonel Christopher Paris of the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP), along with other officers and staff from the PSP, testified before the House Appropriations Committee this afternoon. House Republicans focused their questions on how the Commonwealth’s budget can support law enforcement in Pennsylvania and ensure there is a sufficient number of Troopers patrolling the Commonwealth.
Key Takeaways:
• House Republican committee members reaffirmed their commitment to funding and supporting the PSP.
o Part of this commitment is to ensure that there are enough Troopers to maintain public safety across the Commonwealth.
o Committee members raised crucial questions regarding the current deployment of Troopers in the Commonwealth, emphasizing the need for a more effective allocation strategy considering the host of events slated to occur in the Commonwealth throughout 2026. One potential solution discussed was reassigning Troopers currently working in casinos, where the agency provides support 24/7/365.
• When asked, PSP leaders testified that they have not been involved in any discussions on the Governor’s proposal for the legalization of recreational marijuana or the proposed distribution of resulting revenues. As the agency responsible for the enforcement of laws and regulations and the expungement of records, when warranted, Republican committee members believe the PSP should have been among the first agencies consulted and should retain a seat at the table.
• Members requested an update on the progress of building and updating state laboratories. Committee members support ensuring lab services are effectively provided across the Commonwealth.
• Act 44 of 2018 enables Troopers to provide safety evaluations for schools, non-profit organizations, and places of worship. Committee members asked how the PSP is working through the backlog of assessments requested and how the legislature can help them in this process.
Notable Q&A:

Rep. Torren Ecker discusses State Police staffing levels and how the legislature can ensure we have enough troopers on patrol.

Rep. Marla Brown asked how involved PSP has been in the recreational marijuana proposal and was shocked to hear the governor has not engaged with them.

Rep. Kristin Marcell asked if there is a backlog of requested PSP safety assessments for schools, non-profits, and houses of worship.